Souder Trust in Science SLA 2011

submitted by: jcbradley

Lawrence Souder from Drexel University presented on June 14, 2011 at a panel on "International Year of Chemistry: Perils and Promises of Modern Communication in the Sciences" at the Special Libraries Association meeting. His talk covered Trust in Science and Science by Blogging, using as an example the NASA press release on arsenic in bacteria and subsequent controversy taking place in the blogosphere.

Science & Social Media: Stephanie Stockman, NASA

submitted by: MicrobeWorld
On Jan. 6, 2009, in Arlington, Virginia, the National Science Foundation, The Ballston Science and Technology Alliance, and BioInformatics, LLC, hosted a Cafe Scientifique on Science and Social Media. In part 3 of this 4 part video, Stephanie Stockman, a geologist, science educator and NASA contractor at Goddard Space Flight Center, discusses why she develops and implements education and outreach programs for NASA’s Earth and Space science missions using new media. She is an avid blogger...

Science & Social Media: Chris Condayan, ASM/MicrobeWorld

submitted by: MicrobeWorld
On Jan. 6, 2009, in Arlington, Virginia, the National Science Foundation, The Ballston Science and Technology Alliance, and BioInformatics, LLC, hosted a Cafe Scientifique on Science and Social Media. In part 2 of this 4 part video, Chris Condayan, Manager of Public Outreach for the American Society of Microbiology, shares some examples of new media in action in both communications between scientists as well as with the public at large. Condayan has written extensively on the subject of new...

Web 2.0 Panel

submitted by: dougramsey

A discussion with Brian Dear from, Seth Greenberg from and Turbotax, and Seth Sternberg from on Web 2.0, online enterpreneurship, user communities, advertising, technology and communication.

wisskomm tv 30/08

submitted by: wisskomm
Die letzte Ausgabe vor der Sommerpause: Darin ein Gespräch mit Sven Keßen ( Begrenzte Wissenschaft ) zum Thema Wissenschaftsblogs und Wissenschaftsjournalismus, der Website " Welt der Physik " und den US/LHC-Blogs - Weltraum satt: Die neue Website NASA Images - Die ersten Expeditionen des " Meereswettbewerbes " für Jugendliche - Eine Romanreihe von und für Wissenschaftler - Schlau werden durch Raps: Das Berliner Projekt Rapucation und der Large Hadron Rap aus...

wisskomm tv 26/08

submitted by: wisskomm
Diese Woche: Der Wissenschaftssommer in Leipzig und die Ergebnisse des Wettbewerbs " Wissenschaft Interaktiv " - Tag des Wissenschaftsjournalismus in Dieburg mit Live-Blog - Blog und Videos zur Nobelpreisträgertagung bei - Das phyletische Museum in Jena - Das wissenschaftliche Newsportal e! Science News - Viele Klima-Kampagnen sind viel zu negativ, meint die britische Organisation "Nesta" - „PowerON und PowerOFF = Medienkompetenz?“ bei...