models, molecular

Molecular Representation, Similarity and Search

submitted by: jcbradley
Rajarshi Guha presents at the final fall 09 Chemical Information Retrieval class at Drexel University on December 3, 2009. The audio for the first 45 seconds is a little off but the rest is fine. Implicit and explicit molecular representations in 1D, 2D and 3D formats are introduced. Approaches to quantifying molecular similarity using fingerprinting are discussed, such as the Tanimoto index. The relevance of these methods to drug design in terms of virtual screening and QSAR is explored....

Cheminfo Retrieval Class Six FA09

submitted by: jcbradley
This is the lecture from the sixth Chemical Information Retrieval class at Drexel University on October 29, 2009. It starts with a review of some of the new questions answered by students from the chemistry publishing FAQ, which covers patent information and accessing electronic journals at Drexel. Tony Williams submitted a puzzle to resolve conflicting structures in ChemSpider, which is too difficult to be a regular assignment. It requires re-analyzing spectroscopic data in papers where...