The Granite Mountains of the Mojave Desert are a hot and arid ecosystem in July, but plants and animals thrive in this heat. Mojave rattlesnakes, lizards, hummingbirds, ants, and grasshoppers are just a few of the amazing species we found here.
For the last 30 years of his life Albert Einstein was diligently searching for how GRAVITY is connected to his Energy equation.
Gravity is the Expapansion Acceleration of Mass. Gravity x Time is the Velocity of Light.
An incredible Physics breakthrough thoroughly explained on
History is now being RE-written ! !
Using LabCollector software interface (,Track IT can help you manage your samples storage and keep track of the activity and aliquots. It will help your lab do biobanking quickly and easily. No more paper records or loose excel files! The Samples Batch Tools are allowing you to catalogue samples that have been scanned by lab equipment, such as readers and scanners.