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Tissue movement in bipopulation tumour cord growth
submitted by: sast
The velocity of the tissue is show. One may see sudden change in tissue movement when the glycolytic population
The source code of the bipopulation tumour cord model is availbe online.
The source code of the bipopulation tumour cord model is availbe online.
ATP deficit in bipopulation tumour cord growth
submitted by: sast
Isolines show zero level of ATP (hypoxia limits) for both aerobic and glycolytics populations. The color shows
where the glycolytic population emerges.
The source code of the bipopulation tumour cord model is availbe online.
The source code of the bipopulation tumour cord model is availbe online.
Computational Lab - Chris Miller
submitted by: ralanharris
The goal of this exercise is to show how we can relate the results of two independent gene expression datasets
to each other. In the case where one dataset provides "transcriptional signatures" of known oncogenic pathways,
we can get clues as to which oncogenic pathways may be represented within the results obtained from another
dataset. Lab for the Computer-Aided Discovery Methods course taught at Baylor College of Medicine.
wisskomm wochenschau 5/08
submitted by: wisskomm
German vodcast about science communications. Diese Woche: Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft einigt sich mit dem Springer-Verlag
, Springers " Open Choice ", " Evolution: Education and Outreach " online im Volltext, die DVD vom Wettbewerb
" Performing Science " gibt es hier, Pressemeldung der „ Initiative Wissenschaftsjournalismus ", Schreibwettbewerb
bei " sciencegarden ", die " Darwin Day Celebration " und als...
High Resolution Three Dimensional Lung Reconstruction by Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy
Gene expression studies of cancer - Prof. Chad Creighton (Part 2)
submitted by: ralanharris
Lecture on gene expression studies of cancer and gene transcription signatures. Part of the Computer-Aided Discovery
Methods course taught at Baylor College of Medicine.