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Published Work (partial list)
Pezzoli, K. (2002) Review of Sustaining Human Settlement: A challenge for the new millennium, Edited by R.J. Lawrence, Urban Studies, vol. 39:13. December.
Pezzoli, K. (2002) “Sustainability, Livelihood, and Community Mobilization in the Ajusco Ecological Reserve,” pp. 195-222 in Livable Cities: The Politics of Urban Livelihood and Sustainability, edited by Peter Evans, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Richard Marciano, Bertram Ludaescher, Ilya Zaslavsky, Reagan Moore, and Keith Pezzoli (2002) "Multi-level Information Modeling and Preservation of eGOV Data," Presented at: First International Conference, EGOV 2002, Aix-en-Provence, France, September 3, 2002. Published at: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS, No. 2456, pages 93 - 100.
Pezzoli, Keith and Deborah Howe (2001) “Planning Pedagogy and Globalization: A Content Analysis of Syllabi.” Special Issue, Globalization and Planning, edited by Keith Pezzoli and Farokh Afshar. Journal of Planning Education and Research. Vol. 20 (3).
Pezzoli, Keith and Farokh Afshar (guest co-Editors) (2001) Globalization and Planning. A Special Issue of the Journal of Planning Education and Research. 20 (3) Spring 2001.
Afshar, Farokh and Keith Pezzoli (2001) Globalization and Planning. An Introduction. Journal of Planning Education and Research. 20 (3) Spring 2001.
Pezzoli, Keith (2000) Review of Consuming Cities: The Urban Environment in the Global Ecomomy after the Rio Declaration, edited by Nicolas Low, Brendan Gleeson, Ingemar Elander & Rolf Lidskog. Urban Studies, 37 (13) December 2000.
Pezzoli, K. (2000) “EMSs and Regulatory Innovation.” California Western Law Review, 36 (2): 335-366.
Pezzoli, K. (2000) “From Pollution Prevention to Industrial Ecology,” In Shared Space: Rethinking the U.S.-Mexico Border Environment, edited by Lawrence A. Herzog. La Jolla: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies.(pp. 41-74).
Pezzoli, K.(1998, reprinted 2000) Human Settlements and Planning for Ecological Sustainability: The Case of Mexico City. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press.
Pezzoli, K. (1998). Review of The Life Region: The Social and Cultural Ecology of Sustainable Development, edited by per Raberg. The Professional Geographer. May
Pezzoli, K. (1998). Review essay for the Policy Forum on “Sustainability: The Technocentric Challenge.” Town Planning Review. 69 (1):82-84.
Pezzoli, K. (1997) "Sustainable Development: A Transdisciplinary Overview of the Literature." Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 40 (5): 549-574.
Pezzoli, K. (1997) "Sustainable Development Literature: A Transdisciplinary Bibliography." Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 40 (5): 575-602.
Pezzoli, K. (1995) "Mexico's Urban Housing Environments: Economic and Ecological Challenges of the 1990s." In Housing the Urban Poor: Policy and Practice in Developing Countries, edited by Aldrich, B. C. and Singh Sandhu, R. London: Sage Publications. (pp. 140-167).
Pezzoli, K. (1993) "Sustainable Livelihoods in the Urban Milieu: A Case Study from Mexico City." In Defense of Livelihood: Comparative Studies on Environmental Action, edited by John Friedmann and Haripriya Rangan. West Hartford, Conn.: UNRISD and Kumarian Press. (pp. 127-154).
Pezzoli, K. (1991) "Environmental Conflicts in the Urban Milieu: The Case of Mexico City." in Goodmann, D. and Redclift, M. [eds.] Environment and Development in Latin America. Manchester: Manchester University Press. (pp. 205-229).
Pezzoli, K. (1987) "The Urban Land Problem and Popular Sector Housing Development in Mexico City." Environment and Development. 19 (3): 371-397.
Pezzoli, K. (in press). Cross-Border Regionalism and Sustainability: Contributions of Critical Regional Ecology. Chap. 4 in Equity and Sustainable Development Regional Reflections from the U.S.-Mexico Border , edited by J. Clough-Riquelme and N. Bringas Rábago , U.S.-Mexico Contemporary Perspectives Series, 24 . La Jolla, CA: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego .( 30 pages) NEW
Pezzoli, K., Ilya Zaslavsky and Richard Marciano (co-editors) (2004) Five Year Anniversary Report of the Regional Workbench Consortium (RWBC) ( 26 pages) NEW
Pezzoli, K. (2004) The Regional Workbench Consortium (RWBC): Linking science and technology to policy and planning for sustainable city-region development. Special Focus Session Report: Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium. Denver, Colorado, Sept. 21-24, 2004 ( 7 pages) NEW
Pezzoli, Keith, Richard Marciano and Jyo Purohit. 2005. "Developing Tools for Watershed-based Analysis in Support of City-Region Planning." in ConferenceProceedings of the Twenty-fifth Annual ESRI International Users Conference. San Diego, CA: ESRI. ( 12 pages) NEW
Pezzoli, K. 2005. "Global networks in planning education and practice." in American Planning Association (APA) InfoTEXT: Fall Newsletter.(3 pages) APA Information Technology Division.
Hibbard, Michael and Pezzoli, K. and (co-editors) (2005) GPEIG Voice, Newsletter of the Global Planning Educators Interest Group, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. ( 20 pages) NEW
Pezzoli, K., Sid Sen and Michael Hibbard (co-editors) Annual 2005 Report of the Global Planning Educators Interest Group (GPEIG), Presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Business Meeting, October 26, 2005 ( 17 pages) NEW
Pezzoli, K. (2005) Research Translation Core, Superfund Basic Research Program. UC San Diego. Brochure.
Pezzoli, K. (2005) Community Outreach Core, Superfund Basic Research Program. UC San Diego. Brochure. ( 4 pages) NEW
Pezzoli, K. with Ilya Zaslavsky (2005) Research Translation Core, Superfund Basic Research Program. Grant Proposal to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) ($750,000) ( 36 pages) Funded Proposal 2005-2010 NEW
Pezzoli, K. with Richard Marciano and David Pellow (2005) Community Outreach Core, Superfund Basic Research Program. Grant Proposal to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) ($500,000) ( 26 pages) Funded Proposal 2005-2010 NEW