open source software

Gestión y difusión de revistas académicas vía Internet

submitted by: Dominique Babini
A Spanish speaking video with a 23 minutes summary of a one day workshop (Buenos Aires, June 13th., 2007) about journal management and access in the Web. Workshop for journal editors organized by the Information Center of the National Council of Research in Argentina (CONICET-CAICYT), the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) and the Public Knowledge Project-Open Journal System of the Simon Fraser...

Word Add-in for Ontology Recognition Tutorial (4 of 4): Using the ontology browser

submitted by: jlfink
Using the ontology browser in the Word 2007 Ontology Recognition.

Word Add-in for Ontology Recognition Tutorial (3 of 4): Smart Tag Menu

submitted by: jlfink
Viewing the Smart Tag menu for a recognized term using the Word 2007 Ontology Recognition add-in.

Word Add-in for Ontology Recognition Tutorial (2 of 4): Install Process, in Word

submitted by: jlfink
The end of install process for the Word 2007 Ontology Recognition add-in after downloading the add-in and installing it.

Word Add-in for Ontology Recognition Tutorial (1 of 4): Install Process

submitted by: jlfink
The install process for the Word 2007 Ontology Recognition add-in starting with downloading the add-in installer from the web.