MWV Episode 59 - Anne K. Jones - Cyanobacteria's Potential as a Fuel Product

submitted by: MicrobeWorld
In episode 59 of MicrobeWorld Video, filmed at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting in Vancouver, BC Canada on February 17, 2012, Dr. Stan Maloy talks with Anne Jones, D. Phil., Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Center for Bioenergy and Photosynthesis, Arizona State University, about why her research into harvesting excess light energy has promising potential as an energy alternative. Anne explains why photosynthesis is an...


submitted by: nsf

"Frightening" is how Jeff Gordon describes fire, even though he knows he's protected head to toe (and right down to his underwear) by fire-resistant Nomex fabric. Firesuits and the associated gear don't just protect drivers from fire, though--they decrease the rate of heat transfer, giving the driver a little more time to move somewhere cooler.

"Reading & Writing Genomes" - George Church @ '09 DOE JGI User Meeting

submitted by: JGI
George Church (Harvard University) keynote talk for DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI) '09 Church elaborates on the future direction and development of genomic sequensing and reducing the cost of genomic research, while increasing the efficiency and possibilities, inclusive of developing multivirus resistance genomes. User Meeting on March 26, 2009, with introduction by Len Pennacchio (JGI).George Church (Harvard University) keynote talk for DOE JGI '09 User Meeting on March 26, 2009, with...

Fats to Fuel - Partners Video Magazine

submitted by: csrees

A Small Business Innovation Research grant results in technology that efficiently recycles industrial fats into useful biodiesel. Fats to Fuels is a segment from Partners Video Magazine's latest episode, Fueling America. To view the entire episode visit:

How it's Made: Toothpicks

submitted by: scivee-team

The process of turning raw wood into toothpics.From birch logs to the handy tool that helps you clean your teeth.