Strong Electron Correlation Effects in Transition Metal Complexes: from Molecular Transitions to Absorption Spectra of Metalloproteins

submitted by: icamvid

Daniel Cox gives a talk at the ICAM 2007 conference about electron correlation on the molecular level and it's connection to the Anderson model, X-ray absorption, and molecular ransistors.

Produce effects without effects

submitted by: jllebrun

As the number of effects increases, custom animations rapidly become unwieldy. An alternative technique consists in using one slide per effect, thus simplifying the process. The addition of slide transitions ensures that entrance or exit effects are maintained. The drawbacks of creating effects without effects - a large number of slides- are compensated by two key advantages: simplicity, and direct access to any part of a slide composed of many effects, not just its beginning.

Animate to Explain - PowerPoint Motion Path and Keynote Actions

submitted by: jllebrun

Animations are rarely used in presentations, possibly because using motion path effects on Microsoft PowerPoint or action builds on Apple Keynote is intimidating. Learn the basics of animations through an illustration of the BLK method.

Metabonomic profiling of the gut microbiome: Implications for human health James Kinross, Imperial College, London

submitted by: dougramsey
Microbial-mammalian metabolic cooperation is defined as the human ‘metabonome’. Transgenomic co-metabolic interactions within the metabonome greatly increase system complexity and this presents a significant challenge for elucidating the mechanisms by which the intestinal micro biome influences the host phenotype. By measuring and mathematically modelling changes in the levels of products of metabolism found in mammalian biological fluids and tissues, metabonomics offers fresh insight...

SDSU Geological Sciences Webinar - Stephen T. Hasiotis

submitted by: tcarrasc
Ichnology for the 21st Century: Understanding the differences between continental and marine trace fossils, with implications to the diversity, distribution, and evolution of soil biota ; Department of Geological Sciences, San Diego State University, Seminar Series ; The study of ichnology has come a long way since its inception and it continues to evolve. In particular, progress is being made in understanding the implications of trace fossils in the continental realm and how they can be...

Therapies for Multiple Sclerosis

submitted by: alex01

J. Kocsis, PhD. - The current approaches to the therapy of multiple sclerosis are reviewed by J. Kocsis (Yale University). His research emphasizes remyelination as an approach to the therapy of multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury.

Talk by Diamond

submitted by: dougramsey

Professor Diamond talks about the importance of play in a child's development of executive functions such as inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility, as can be seen through a program called "Tools of the Mind," based on the theories of psychologists Lev Vygotski and Alexander Luria.

Tony Nguyen's laser nunchakus

submitted by: tonynguyen

Tony Nguyen author of several concepts and martial artist invente his laser nunchakus lighting
for special effects movies and for cinema.
What you never seen on screen french cinema, you can see that here, in Banlieue 93 as Star Wars!
Demonstration science, innovation and hi-tech!

Time Dilation - An Experiment With Mu-Mesons

submitted by: scivee-team
TIME DILATION: an experiment with mu-mesons This classic film documents an experiment done in 1963 the results of which can only be explained when one accepts the consequence that moving clocks run slow. This phenomenon is known as time dilation. The timekeeping device is the mu-meson, a subatomic particle with origins away from the Earth moving at relativistic speed. What follows here is an explanation of the experiment described in that film. Many mu-mesons rain down every hour on the...