Applying quality assurance in real-time to compliant long-term periodontal maintenance patients utilizing cost effectiveness and cost utility

submitted by: fardal
Background: Little work has been done on quality control of periodontal therapy Materials/methods: A quality control model was applied to 80 patients (50 females, 30 males) with an average age of 64.3 years (SD. 8.83, range 45-91) and with 21.6 (SD. 2.65, range 16-26) maintenance years. The main elements were patients’ expectations, objective and patient based outcomes, financial- and human costs and treatment deviations. Results: The patients’ main expectations and reasons for seeking...
Authors: Øystein Fardal

A comparison of teeth and implants during maintenance therapy in terms of the number of disease-free years and costs - An in vivo internal control study

submitted by: fardal
Background: Little is known about the cost minimization and cost effectiveness involved in maintaining teeth and implants for patients treated for periodontal disease. Materials and methods: A retrospective study was carried out encompassing all patients who had initial periodontal treatment followed by implant placement and maintenance therapy in a specialist practice in Norway. The neighbouring tooth and the contralateral tooth were used as controls. The number of disease-free years...
Authors: Øystein Fardal, Jostein Grytten