image of American Journal of Preventive Medicine

American Journal of Preventive Medicine

The American Journal of Preventive Medicine is the official journal of The American College of Preventive Medicine and The Association for Prevention Teaching and Research. Published monthly, AJPM prints original research and review articles in the areas of prevention research, teaching, practice, and policy.
U.S. Hookah Tobacco Smoking Establishments Advertised on the Internet
U.S. Hookah Tobacco Smoking Establishments Advertised on the Internet
Brian Primack, Kristen Rice, Ariel Shensa, Mary Carroll, Erica DePenna, Rima Nakkash, Tracey Barnett
Issue: Am J Prev Med 2012;42(2):150-156
Created: Jan 6, 2012
Views: 690
Physical Activity and Other Health-Risk Behaviors During the Transition into Early Adulthood
Physical Activity and Other Health-Risk Behaviors During the Transition into Early Adulthood
Matthew Kwan, John Cairney, Guy Faulkner, Eleanor Pullenayegum
Issue: Am J Prev Med 2012;42(1):14-20
Created: Dec 14, 2011
Views: 908 | Other views: 26 | Total: 934
"Home Smoking Bans Among U.S. Households with Children and Smokers" and "Association Between Smokefree Laws and Voluntary Smokefree-Home Rules"
Alice Mills, Martha White, John Pierce, Karen Messer, Kai wen Cheng, James Lightwood, Stanton Glantz
Issue: Am J Prev Med 2011;41(6):559–572
Created: Oct 28, 2011
Views: 847 | Other views: 11 | Total: 858
Patients and Populations: Public Health in Medical Education
Patients and Populations: Public Health in Medical Education
Rika Maeshiro, Denise Koo, C. william Keck
Issue: AJPM. 2011; 41(4): s145-s318
Created: Sep 22, 2011
Views: 831 | Other views: 68 | Total: 899
Industry Progress to Market a Healthful Diet to American Children and Adolescents
Industry Progress to Market a Healthful Diet to American Children and Adolescents
Vivica Kraak, Mary Story, Ellen Wartella, Jaya Ginter
Issue: Am J Prev Med. 2011 Sept;41(3):322-33
Created: Aug 7, 2011
Views: 882 | Other views: 18 | Total: 900