During the upload process we ask if you would like to podcast your video publication. We are asking if you would like to automatically create an mp3 file of the audio from your uploaded video. This mp3 will be downloadable.

Podcasts are audio publications that are available for download. These audio publications are sometimes collected together into a series that you can subscribe to using podcast software like iTunes. There is a good listing of freely downloadable podcasting software at Podcasting News at: http://www.podcastingnews.com/topics/Podcast_Software.html.

Podcast software helps you manage audio and video media and keep up to date on online media through subscriptions that you choose. Podcasting is popular because it allows listeners and viewers to enable their computer to automatically download media to their mp3 player, iPod or other portable media device and take it with them on their commute to work, jog, or vacation.

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